Jul 27, 2022
In this episode, I answer a question from a student from my coaching program–Where do you draw the line of “too expensive to make”?
There are two costs you need to know before you start spending money. First is the landed cost per unit which is the cost for one unit to be manufactured, packaged, and shipped to...
Jul 25, 2022
In this episode, I share how we made the most of out Amazon Prime Day. I'm also happy to share that we have a new record for most sales we've had in one day.
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Some products and resources mentioned in this episode may no longer be offered. Please...
Jul 20, 2022
As a full-time entrepreneur, I have a lot of freedom with what I can do with my day. With great freedom, comes great responsibility and discipline. In this episode, I share my current morning routine as an entrepreneur.
A good routine can make a big difference in your mental, physical, and overall...
Jul 18, 2022
Photos are by far the first and most important thing I look at when checking product listings. In this episode, I share my best practices on how to get good product photos on your listing.
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Some products and resources mentioned in this episode may...
Jul 13, 2022
You're not gonna get rich off one single SKU, it's going to take multiple SKUs for you to increase your revenue, profit, and income. In this episode, I talk about how important it is to have long-term strategy and vision when building a brand.
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